Tavush Region
Area -2695 km 2
Population - 156500
Administrative Center - Ijevan City
Lakes - Lake Parz, Lake Gosh
Rivers - Aghstev, Getik, Voskepar, Sarnajur, Akhum, Tavush and Khndzorut
Big Cities - Dilijan, Noyemberyan, Berd, Ayrum
Popular places and sights - Makaravank monastery, JukhtakVank monastery, Goshavank monastery, Haghartsin Monastery, Lake Gosh and Parz, Dilijan National Park, IjevanDendropark.
The Region of Tavush is located on the north-east of the country and has the highest percentage of forests in Armenia. Tavush has been a spa destination from early 20th century up now with a number of spa towns and resorts in the region. The second largest city is Dilijan, which is going to become the banking center of Armenia.