Shirak Region
Area - 2038 km 2
Population - 361400
Administrative Center - Gyumri
Distance from Yerevan to Gyumri -155 km
Lakes – Lake Arpi, Arpa,
Rivers –Akhurian, Yeghnajur, Karmrajur, Elal
Popular places and sights - Sev Berd fortress, Yererouk Basilica, Harichavank Monastery, Marmashen Monastery, Church of the Holy Saviour (Gyumri), Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God (Gyumri), YotVerk.
The Region of Shirak is located in the north-west of the country with Gyumri administrative center as the second largest city of Armenia. The Akhuryan valley is home to many ancient human settlements dating back to 9000 BC. The region has been settled from the early Stone Age. The fertile Shirak plain is the largest producer of grains and potato in Armenia. The irrigation system in the province is highly developed.