Kotayk Region
Area - 2038 km 2
Population - 328900
Administrative Center - Hrazdan City
Distance from Yerevan to Hrazdan - 50 km
Lakes - Akna Lich
Rivers - Hrazdan, Getar, Marmarik
Highest Mountains - Pambak and Geghama range
Big Cities - Hrazdan (center), Abovyan, Charentsavan, Nor Hachn, Yeghvard, Byureghavan, Tsaghkadzor, Arzni
Popular places and sights - Arzni, Bjni, Hankavan and Tsaghkadzor resort cities, Garni Pagan Temple, Geghard Monastery complex, Erenbuni State Reserve.
The Kotayk Region is situated in the central part of Armenia and has no border with any country. The region is home to many historical monuments with Geghard Monastery Complex (13th century) included in the list of UNESCO Heritage sites. The only standing Pagan Temple in the Caucasus is the Garni Temple (1st century AD) situated in the same name village. During USSR times Kotayk was one of the most industrialized regions of Armenia.