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Lake Parz

Lake Parz

The Armenian word “Parz” is translated into English as “Clear”.For being hidden deep in the…

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Garni Canyon

Garni Canyon

In the Canyon near Garni village, you will find impressive basalt monuments that have obtained…

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Y.Charents Museum of Literature & Art

Y.Charents Museum of Literature & Art

The Charents Museum of Literature and Arts of Armenia is the largest repository of Armenian…

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Ararat Brandy Company

Yerevan Brandy Company is almost as renowned a symbol of the Armenian capital as Mount Ararat. Immense reserves of precious brandy spirits, many put into barrels as far back as in the 19th century, are stored in its cellars. In 1887 the enterprise was equipped with Charente type distillers and specialized premises for spirit ageing. After Nikolai Shustov acquired the factory from Nerses Tairyan the auxiliary production units, new storage facilites and even a power plant were constructed. In 1953 the factory was moved to a new monumental building which is situated at the hill and decorated with traditional Armenian bas-reliefs, as if hovering over the city. It is only here that up to this very day the legendary Armenian brandies under ArArAt trademark are produced.

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