Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Area - 4,400 km2
Population - 154500
Administrative Center - Stepanakert
Distance from Yerevan - 375 km (5 hours by car)
Lakes - Sarsang reservoir
Important City - Shushi
Rivers - Araks (Arax), Tartar, Aghavno, Hakari, Vararak
Popular places and sights - Shoushi City and the Fortress, Gandzasar Monastery, Amaras, Dadivank Monastery, Jdrduz canyon (Shushi), Gtchavank, Jermajur, TigranakertRuines, Askeran Fortress, Panakh-Khan Fortress (restorated complex), Karvachar
The Republic of Mountainous Karabakh or as the Armenians call it the Republic of Artsakh, is the second Armenian Republic after the Republic of Armenia that is an autonomous country
The Republic of Mountainous Karabakh or as the Armenians call it the Republic of Artsakh, is the second Armenian Republic after the Republic of Armenia that is an autonomous country de facto. At the end of the Soviet Era in 1988 Artsakh declared itself as an independent country with a national referendum because of which the long-lasting conflict with Azerbaijan started up to 1994.
The history of Artsakh dates back to Urartian times the evidence of which is the cuneiform inscription writings found there. Armenians lived in Artsakh since Roman times. The native Albanians living in the upper Karabakh got mingled with Armenians in the early Middle Ages.
Artsakh is an open-sky treasure house of various forms of Armenian Architecture. NagornoKarabakh is home to thousands of architectural artifacts and historical monuments that include samples of civil architecture, ancient castles and fortresses, khachkars (cross-stones).