Vayots Dzor Region
Area- 2308 km 2
Population - 69400
Administrative Center - Yeghegnadzor City
Distance from Yerevan to Yeghegnadzor - 119 km
Lakes - Sevakn, Jukhtak, Hreshtak, Kechut water reserve.
Rivers - Arpa, Yeghegis, Herher
Highest Mountains - Vardenis range, Vayk Range
Big Cities - Yeghegnadzor (center), Vayk, Jermuk
Popular places and sights - Areni-1 cave complex and the Winery of the Chalcolithic age, Areni village, Areni Church, Noravank monastery, Orbelian's Caravanserai, Jermuk Resort Town, Gndevank, Kechut Reserve.
The Region of VayotsDzor is home to numerous historical and ancient landmarks including the Areni-1 cave complex where archeologists have found a leather shoes which has more than 5,500 years old and a winery of Chalcolithic Age.
Another architectural wonder of Armenia is the 13th century Noravank Monastery which has unique approach to church architecture of the time. It is made of limestone which makes it original amongst other monasteries of the time and not only.